Professional Development Trainings

Upcoming Training Oppertunities

The table below shows upcoming training opportunities and links to trainings from the last year. Historic trainings can be found in the drop down lists below. 


April 2024

Amy Sutz, Dr. Joseph Lee, Jeffrey Reed, Andy Johnston

Leading Committees Panel Handout

Through the Years




  May 2020  

Bob Cook

Cyber Security for the rest of us

May 2020 

  Jesi Steffes, LPC and Jesse Perez, MA  

Navigating the Wear Down of Our Bodies and Minds Self-Care to Help You Survive and Thrive  


December 2016

Leadership in Everyday Life presented by Marissa Guerrero, Events Assistant in the University Center

In this presentation we will discuss what leadership is and how we can be better leaders, from how to motivate a team to how to juggle competing priorities. I hope you can gain some tips to take with you as you lead in your everyday life.

  • Define leadership (what does good leadership look like to you?)       
  • Management vs leadership
  • How to motivate and transform others into leaders      
  • Prioritizing what is important/Delegation         
  • Sharing your vision and goals        
  • Get people in the right seats: How to fill the gaps in your team      
  • Be an advocate for your team      
  • Sitting at the table 

Click here for a copy of the presentation slides.


October 2016 

Strategic Planning: Charting the Course to Your Destination presented by Alice Bradley, Director of the Strengthening Institutions Program

Whether you're preparing for a vacation of a lifetime or to accomplish key goals at work, having a strategic approach to your planning process can increase the odds of reaching your goals.  Effective strategic planning will help ensure you arrive where and when you want and will enhance the experience from start to finish! This professional development opportunity will walk you through the strategic planning process from preparation through implementation and will be presented in two sessions.

This session will introduce participants to key components of the strategic planning process and provide tools to get ready to develop a clear, effective strategic plan. What are the components of a strategic plan? What information should be considered and gathered in advance?  What resources can be incorporated and who should participate in the process? Participants will find the session most engaging if they come with at least one personal or professional goal around which they would like to develop a strategic plan.

Click here to view the handout on conducting  a personal inventory and a personal inventory template.


September 2016 

Mindfulness: In & Out of the Office presented by Renee Rudolph, Student Engagement and Scholarship Coordinator in the Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences

An interactive presentation on mindfulness in and out of the workplace. Mindfulness might be a buzzword and continues to gain traction in business circles and other industries, but what is it? What are the benefits, what are some challenges, and how can you use it in your everyday life? We'll take a look at where you spend your time and a few ways you can minimize stress, and find a balance between living in the moment & planning ahead.

(No link was presented with this - we have chosen to keep it in as record - PD Committee 2024) 


August 2016

Toxic Leadership. Leadership, Organizational Climate, and Effectiveness: What's Style Got to do With it? presented by George Reed, dean of the School of Public Affairs

Why do otherwise world-class organizations put up with those in positions of authority who exhibit a destructive leadership style? In this presentation Dr. Reed examines the phenomenon of petty tyranny, toxic leadership and abusive supervision including its cost to organizations and potential solutions.

Click here to view the presentation slides.


July 2016 

Detain the STRAIN: How Physical Activity Can Reduce Work Stress and Increase Productivity presented by Paige Whitney, a recent graduate of the Health Promotion program

Work stress, presenteeism, and how exercise and nutrition habits can help.

Click here to view the presentation slides.


June 2016 

Taking the Temperature of your Organization: Is it healthy? presented by Anja Wynne

Strong, healthy organizations rely on open lines of communication that result in innovative ideas. Ideally, a healthy organization starts at the top, but what is your role in contributing to success?  Using the work of Patrick Lencioni as a platform, this workshop will identify the 4 tenets that contribute to Organizational Health and provide some examples of how this can lead to innovation and success.

Click here to view the presentation slides and handout.


May 2016 

Workplace Efficiency presented by Brynne Hamer

Are you easily overwhelmed with unread emails in your inbox? Is your 'to-do' list a mile long? Do you believe that there is not enough time in a work week? This presentation goes through efficiency at work and at home, including:

  • Email inbox zero - how to quickly get through unread emails and leave work at the end of the day not overwhelmed with getting back to people
  • How to utilize existing tools, including Microsoft Outlook and smart phone apps
  • Daily/weekly task organization - new ways to track to-do items and accomplish tasks in a timely manner
  • How to work smarter and be more productive at work and at home

Click here to view the presentation slides.


March 2016

Easy Accessibility presented by Leyna Bencomo, How to design your space to work for everyone.

Click here to view the presentation slides.


January 2016

Time Management Strategies, presented by Ali LaForce

Key points include: 

  • Investigating where your time goes.
  • Strategies for prioritizing and planning.
  • Not enough time, or not enough motivation?
  • Tips for tackling unpleasant tasks.

Click here to view the presentations slides and handout.

December 2015

Cultural Competence, presented by Alejandro DeJesus
This is an interactive session where the attendees will have a discussion on how to communicate, while being sensitive to cultural diversity.  We will discuss definitions and tools to use for cross cultural communication, which you can use on a daily basis.

Click here to view the presentation slides.


November 2015

The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want, presented by Katie Gordon
Have you ever wondered why some people seem like happier people than others? Come to learn what makes some people happy, what keeps some people in the constant search for happiness, and how to create a  purposeful life where you feel motivated, fulfilled, and like you are truly thriving.  This session will talk about the fundamentals of happiness based off of leading scholar Sonja Lyumbomirsky's nearly 25 years of research on people across the globe and lifespan, and leave you with an empowering sense of ability to create your own happiness! 

Click here to view the PowerPoint slides and handout.

Keynote 2016

Secret Service: Creating an Inspired Customer Service Culture, presented by Tamara Moore

Customer service burnout can be defined as a condition of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment that can occur among individuals who do "people work" of some kind. The secret to a good employee and customer experience is in our service first to ourselves and then to each other.  Our customers are not only our patrons but also our peers, supervisors and supervisees.  It is easy to define what good service looks like, but what are the challenges that can prevent us from delivering it?

This interactive presentation will explore how we perceive our internal and external reality and how this impacts the service we deliver in each moment.  If we are present, we can see the moment when we can choose to reflect and respond rather than react. New research regarding how we are emotionally triggered and strategies for dealing with difficult people will be discussed.  Participants will develop new mindfulness filters and learn tools that improve the quality of their daily interactions and work life.  Forget the ghosts of customers past and remember what it feels like to be inspired!

Click here to view the video recording.


Keynote 2015

Conscious Discipline, presented by Ida Bauer

Conscious Discipline is a Social-Emotional, Behavioral Intelligence program that teaches us how to respond rather than react to challenging situations.   When we respond we are using the higher centers of our brains which allows us to access our executive thinking skills where we can problem solve and create better outcomes.   Attendees will gain an understanding of how to self-regulate in order to access executive skills and how to use connection and positive intent to create willingness on the part of others to do what we ask or need.

Click here to view the video recording.