About the Staff Pride Committee

UCCS staff pride

The purpose of the Staff Pride Committee is the advancement of and advocacy for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA+) community of the university through increasing the visibility of LGBTQIA+ groups as a presence and resource within UCCS and the wider community; advising on the inclusivity of LGBTQIA+ concerns within UCCS policies and procedures; supporting the education of UCCS staff, students and faculty specific to the LGBTQIA+ community; and supporting and advocating for UCCS LGBTQIA+ staff and students.

The Staff Pride Committee fosters a welcoming environment for all new staff and works to engage all staff and students with diversity and inclusiveness initiatives.

Attend a Meeting

Staff Pride meets collaboratively with Faculty Pride every month. We are currently meeting via Microsoft Teams. Please contact staffpride@uccs.edu for information on upcoming meeting dates and to be added to the Staff Pride Teams channel.


Want to learn more about the Pride Committee?

You can get in touch with the Pride Committee via email at staffpride@uccs.edu

Meet the Pride Committee Co-chairs

Joseph Bono


Xuan Trong