About Us

Who Are We

Every member of the UCCS staff body, whether classified or university staff, is automatically made a member of the Staff Council upon joining the university. Volunteer committees are a key part of Staff Council, and all staff members are welcome to join committees that interest them.

In addition, the Staff Council votes in an Executive Board each year who represent staff members to campus leadership. The Executive Board is a team of elected members who advocate for your success. We conduct listening surveys across campus, propose policies in the best interest of staff members, serve as advisors to the Chancellor’s Cabinet and organize professional development opportunities to promote staff members’ success.

The Staff Council's responsibilities include:

  • Advocating for the interests of UCCS staff.
  • Helping to facilitate the exchange of information among staff members.
  • Providing professional development opportunities for staff members.
  • Making recommendations concerning problems and policies relating to staff members.
  • Providing representation to boards, councils, committees across the university and university system.
  • Aiding in the Strategic Plan 2030 goal of establishing an environment conducive to excellent staff recruitment, retention, development and recognition.
  • Undertaking matters of concern assigned by the Chancellor.
  • Fostering a spirit of unity and cooperation among all UCCS staff.

What We Do

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