Like other shared governance bodies, the UCCS Staff Council adheres to by-laws and standing rules of governance. These allow the Staff Council to regulate itself according to fair, consistent standards and rules.
During the 2014-2015 Academic year, the UCCS Staff Council and USCCS PESA boards worked together to develop new by-laws for a joint Staff Council Board. In accordance with their respective by-laws, the proposed change was put to a vote of the UCCS respective employment group staffs. It passed both employment groups with the required percentage. Therefore effective July 1, 2015, UCCS now has one combined Staff Council representing both State Classified and University Staff employees.
The by-laws for the Staff Council (formally Staff Association) were approved by Pam Shockley- Zalabak, Chancellor on May 5, 2015.
Staff Council (formally Staff Association) by-laws were amended effective July 1, 2024.