Garrett Swasey Outstanding Staff Award

Nominate UCCS Staff Employee for the Garrett Swasey Outstanding Staff Award

In December 2015, the Executive Board of the UCCS Staff Council elected to rename the outstanding staff award in honor of Officer Garrett Swasey. This award acknowledges the outstanding achievements and contributions of a UCCS staff member who exemplifies excellence in service to the campus and community.

The recipient of the UCCS Garrett Swasey Outstanding Staff Award will receive a $1,000 cash award (taxes withheld) on their paycheck at the end of the month after the annual campus awards ceremony.

To be eligible for this award, the nominee must be 1) a permanent – classified or university– staff member of UCCS and 2) employed as such for a minimum of three years as of December 31, 2024 Nominations are due February 21, 2025.

The recipient of the award demonstrates:

  • exceptional commitment which exceeds job expectations;
  • continual service to the UCCS community through various activities (e.g., committee work, staff involvement, community relations, etc.);
  • positive working relationships with students, colleagues at all levels, and other constituents of the campus; and
  • an active and ongoing commitment to the betterment of UCCS.

In all ways, nominees "go above and beyond the call of duty."

Qualifying Employee of the Quarter Award winners will be entered into the pool of Garrett Swasey Outstanding Staff Award nominees.

Previous winners are not eligible. A list of those employees who previously won the award are listed below.


  1. To nominate a deserving staff member, complete and submit a nomination form no later than February 21, 2024. Late nominations will NOT be accepted.
  2. Each nominator will be notified of the status of their nomination on or before February 28, 2024.
  3. If your nominee is accepted, you will then be asked to secure two (2) additional letters of recommendation (the nominator's counts as one) in support of the employee. Those recommendations are due no later than March 6, 2024.
  4. A screening committee consisting of Alumni & community members supportive of the University will evaluate the nominations. Selection of the winner is based solely on the materials submitted on behalf of the nominee, including the original nomination form.

    * Once the winner is determined, the Award Committee Chair will contact the nominator, announce the winner to the campus, and provide information on the Campus Award Ceremony held on  Wednesday May 15, 2024,  in Berger Hall.

Previous UCCS Outstanding Staff Award Recipients