Our History

Learn About Our History

Since the founding of UCCS in 1965, UCCS staff members have had a formal voice in campus affairs. Today’s Staff Association still holds true to the original vision of the UCCS Staff Council: advocating for the growth, development and support of staff members.


In 1962, the CU Board of Regents recognized the Joint Staff Advisory Committee, a meeting between representatives of the University of Colorado System Staff Council. The committee discussed issues impacting state classified employees, who made up a sizable majority of CU employees. UCCS representatives were invited to the joint meetings after UCCS’ establishment in 1965.


In 1980, UCCS established the UCCS Staff Council with a goal of representing classified staff members, who, at that time, made up nearly 80 percent of the UCCS staff body. In 1995, the Professional Exempt Staff Association was created to represent university staff who held salaried, exempt positions and made up the remaining 20 percent of employees. The two councils collaborated on a wide range of events and initiatives, but maintained separate budgets and procedures.


In 2014, to promote unity and collaboration between all staff members, the two boards proposed merging their operations. The merger was put to a vote, and in 2015, Staff Association was born.


In 2024, it was put to a vote and Staff Association was renamed Staff Council. This move was made to align with the other CU campuses that all use the term Staff Council. 


Today, Staff Council represents both classified and university staff. It has expanded its mission and vision to focus on enhancing the skills of the staff body, building community, advocating for the needs of all staff members and fostering a spirit of unity among all UCCS employees.

Additional Information

See Archival Records

See the evolution of Staff Council to the UCCS Staff Association.