Our Committees

Our Committees

Volunteer committees are the backbone of the Staff Council and make a positive impact across the university – and beyond.

Committees consist of members, chairs and co-chairs. UCCS staff members can apply at any time to serve on a committee in one of those three roles. 

Interested in joining a committee? Reach out to the chair or co-chair of the committee, listed below. 

Interested in chairing a committee or have an idea for a new committee? Reach out to us via email at staff.council@uccs.edu. 

Please consider serving on one of the following committees:

UCCS Committees

Chairs and Co-Chairs
Employee of the Quarter Committee

 Alex Baker          abaker@uccs.edu

Lindsay Coppa    lcoppa@uccs.edu

 FY 2025
Garrett Swasey Outstanding Staff Award CommitteeAnn Schwab    aschwab@uccs.edu
Co-Chair Position Open
end of FY 2025
Pay & Benefits Committee (Classified Staff)Yvonne Weeres yweeres@uccs.eduend of FY 2025
Pay & Benefits Committee (University Staff)Shawn Hood      shood2@uccs.eduend of FY 2025
Policy CommitteeCo-Chair Positions Openend of FY 2025
Pride Committee

Joseph Bono     jbono2@uccs.edu 

Co-Chair Position Open

end of FY 2025
Professional Development Programming Committee

Carissa Kepner ckepner@uccs.edu

Co-Chair Position Open

end of FY 2025
SEEDS Staff Development CommitteeCindy Norton    cnorton@uccs.eduend of FY 2025
Spring Luncheon CommitteeHeath Wagner hwagner2@uccs.eduend of FY 2025
Welcome Committee

Cindy Norton   


Co-Chair Position Open

end of FY 2025
Winter Giving Project Committee

Shanna McCown smccown@uccs.edu

Natalie Porter  nporter2@uccs.edu

end of FY 2026
Women Identifying Staff Committee

 Valerie McClinton vmcclint@uccs.edu

Beckie Pyles Munoz


end of FY 2025


Committees with Appointed, Statewide or System-Level Representatives:

University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC)Dean BarrettUniversity Staff Representativeend of FY 2025
 Shondra JohnsonClassified Staff Representativeend of FY 2025
 Laura ChandlerRepresentative (At-Large)end of FY 2023
University Budget Advisory Committee (UBAC)Mike EivinsClassified Representativeend of FY 2023
 Yvonne WeeresClassified Representativeend of FY 2024
 Brad BaileyUniversity Staff Representativeend of FY 2024
 Sarah LongUniversity Staff Representativeend of FY 2025
 Jeremy AndersonUniversity Staff Representativeend of FY 2025